Tuesday, February 13, 2007


Juvenile poem ..i wrote in my juvenile years..when i was madly in love...hehe!!!

I don’t know what love is.
Perhaps its the feeling i get when the soft corners of
your mouth turn into a beautiful smile.

I don’t know what love is.
Perhaps its the twinkle in his eyes that drags me into a
Whole new world of wonders

I don’t know....
Perhaps its the time I hate the moonlight b’coz its
Beautiful and he’s not with me to see it.

I don’t know what love is
But I know that u are the best thing that has ever
Happened to me.

I don’t know what love is….
Perhaps it’s the time that I feel that want to memorize every feature of your face, the color of your eyes, the feel of my name on your lip but I laugh away the thought cos try as I may, I can never forget you ….


Unknown said...

That's a great comeback !!!

A "Juvenile poem"?? I guess you have titled it very appropriately..

When you are in love during your childhood days, its not the caring, the behaviour etc that attracts you.. Its the physical appearance. As you can see, in your poem you have done the same thing. Everything is "physical" not emotional.

Great poem though!! Glad you wrote it!!

Unknown said...

"I hate the moonlight b’coz its
Beautiful and he’s not with me to see it"...watta beautiful lines Dips...ur 'juvenile poem'is good enuf to make anyone fall in love with romance...